
Showing posts from April, 2023

VSC: 2023: Intro to Outdoor Leader Skill Camp

Date: 04/21/2023 (Fri.) 5:00 PM – 04/23/2023 (Sun.) 12:30 PM Location: Camp Chesebrough, Los Gatos, CA 95033 Kudos to our truong and parents who participated in the VSC outdoor/indoor training last weekend. And thanks to tr. Chanh for leading the training. Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS)(S11): 04/21/2023 (Fri.) 5:00 PM – 04/23/2023 (Sun.) 12:30 PM @Camp Chesebrough 2023 LDTG photo album

ADST, TNHG: 2023: Troop 60964 Cookie Season

Dates: March 8 - April 23 Event Photos: 2023 Cookie Season - GS Troop 60964

LDTG: 2023: Picnic and Hiking at Almaden Quicksilver County Park

Date: Sunday April 16, 2023 LDTG had a picnic and hiking at Almaden Quicksilver County Park on Sunday 4.16.2023. LDTG Event Album - Tr. Di's Album - Tr Chanh's plant document A few words from LDT Tr. Minh D: Dear QuyTruong, Phu Huynh, and Scouts I would like to thank our Troop Leaders, Scouts, and parents for coming to our LD Picnic/Hiking at Quicksilver County Park today. We have had so much fun and all Scouts really enjoyed it. It works when we all worked together to make it happened. Thanks Tr Dat, Tr Maggie, and Tr Chanh for taking the leading roles during the Hiking Trip and also Tr Di for being our best Troop Photographer always. Thank you all parents for helping prepare the meals for our Troop. A special thanks to Anh Denhi for coordinating this event, with Chi Van, and Tr Lan for planning our Lunch. There were several things that were overlooked during our Picnic planning. A lesson learned for me.... We will be more prepared next time. Tr. Minh D. BDH. LDTG