SU 643: 2023: Girl and Adult Recognition Award Ceremony

 "The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers." ~ Juliette Gordon Low


Troop 60964's 2023 SU 643 Award Recipients

Presentation - Event Photos - SU643 Recognition Webpage

Silver Award:
The highest award a GS cadette can earn by identifying a community issue, researching the causes, coming up with a solution and working with the community to make a plan that brings the solution to life.

Hillary, Kathy, and Natalie
Nominated by: Tr. Nhan La

Journey - Take Action:
Recognition for girl scouts who complete a National Leadership Journey and a Take Action at their GS level.

Brownie WOW! Wonders of Water Journey
Adira, Amanda, Diana, Ellie, Evaya, Jackie, Kristine, and San
Nominated by: Tr. Lan Banh

Cadette aMaze Journey
Cat-Vy, Hillary, Kathy, Katherine, Natalie and Rachael
Nominated by: Tr. Nhan La

Cadette Media Journey
Caitlyn, Jody, Mai-Anh, and Tien
Nominated by: Thanh Barretto, Troop 60964 PH Volunteer

Summit Award:
Recognition for girl scouts who complete three National Leadership Journeys and Take Actions at their GS level.

Cadette Breathe Journey, Think Like an Engineer Journey, aMaze Journey
Nominatedd by: Tr. Maggie Nguyen

Leader in Action:
Cadettes can become a Leader in Action by assisting a Brownie group on any of their National Leadership Journeys.

Brownie Journey: WOW! Wonders of Water
Amanda and Rachael
Nominated by: Tr. Maggie Nguyen

Service to Girl Scouting:
Service to Girl Scouting Bars are earned by volunteering at least 20 hours for the Girl Scouts, being an assistant for the council or service unit.

Emilie and Gen (for services to the GSNorCal council and SU 643)
Nominated by: Loan Luu, GSNorCal Community Manager

Gen (for participating in the SU643's 2022 Camporee Girl-led Leadership Team)
Nominated by: Ruth Corsaro, Erin Garvey and Jessica Pallach

Torch Award:
The Torch Award recognizes Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors who act as leaders in their communities. In order to earn a Torch Award, an older Girl Scout must complete one Leadership Journey, and serve a full term in a leadership position at her school, place of worship, library, community center, or a similar organization important to her.

Gen and Natalie
Nominated by: Tr. Maggie Nguyen

High Seller Recognition

Katherine (for selling 95 unis in the 2022 Fall Product Program)
Nominated by: Rita Hanley, SU 643 Fall Product Manager

Elysa (for selling 1564 cookie packages in the 2023 Cookie Season)
Nominated by: Andrea Key, SU 643 Cookie Manager

Volunteer of Excellence
For outstanding service providing the Girl Scout Leadership Experience to girls or supporting the council’s mission delivery to girls and adults.

Tr. Lan Banh
Nominated by: Tr. Nhan La and Tr. Maggie

Tr. Raymond Choi
Nominated by: Tr. Lan Banh and Tr. Nhan La

Virtual Girl Scout Experience Award
For exceptional efforts in delivering Girl Scout programs virutally.

Tr. Nhan La
Nominated by: Tr. Trang Bui

Scoutdoor Award
For a volunteer, leader, or troop that did especially creative or an exceptional number of outdoor activities.

Tr. Chanh Viet
Nominated by: Tr. Nhan La and Tr. Maggie Nguyen

Father of the Year
For an outstanding father who always seemed to be there when the troop or the service unit needed him.

Dat Nguyen
Nominated by: SU 643 Leadership Team

Family of the Year
For a family who has contributed outstanding service, such as supporting their troop, camps, special events, product programs, etc.

The Ngo Family (Trang, Thang, Tien, Tam)
Nominated by: Tr. Nhan La and Tr. Maggie Nguyen

Green Angel Award
For a volunteer who brought Girl Scout programs to her/his service unit in the most creative or innovative way.

Tr. Maggie Nguyen
Nominated by: Tr. Trang Bui

GSNorcal Staff and SU 643 Current and 2023-2024 Incoming Board


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