ADST, TNHG 2023: Bridging

Dates: October 1st, 2023Location: Rainbow's End
View event photos: Tr Raymond's - Tr. Maggie's

ADST girl scouts bridged over to a new GS year 2023-2024.

2023 ADST Bridging

TNHG girl scouts bridged over to a new GS year 2023-2024.

There seemed to be four brownies in the mix ....

2023 TNHG Bridging

But it was all just a tease ... Welcome Lani, Phuong Anh, Leyna, Kathy, and Alyssa to the TNHG unit. May you grow stronger in the love, care, and support of the TNHG family!

2023 TNHG Bridging2


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