LDTG: 2023: Halloween Celebration

Dates: October 29, 2023
Location: Berryessa Park

View Tr. Di's 2023 Halloween album - Tr. Maggie's 2023 Halloween Photos

ADST joined LDTG to celebrate Halloween 2023 with many fun activities. Congratulation to ADST for winning a costume contest.


ADBN in Halloween costumes


TNHG joined the LDTG 2023 Halloween celebration. We had activities such as face painting, paper folding and SWAPS (Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere), a GS tradition. These activities are planned and carried out by our girls, under Amanda and the TNHG Board's leadership.

We also joined LDTG in pumpking and costume constests. Congratulations to Tam for winning a costume contest award!

Face painting activities:


Paper folding:


Making SWAPS:


Pumpking contest:

Tam winning a costme contest award:



TDGD helped to organize the event.  A big thank you!


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